antique back button

4 5 00 0034 eda5 4 000 40 06 4eb6 ac16 686d
4a7d 9f67 af1f 0050 e833 8b62 fc13 da66
8 0 10 005c 37a6 0000 0101 080a 04b8 66f7
4add 9045

Destination Address

An IP address is a 32 bit number divided into 4 octets.
what is IP
Our destination address from the example in hex is 4a7d 9f67.
Lets break that down in a table.

hex 4a 7d 9f 67
binary 0100 1010 0111 1101 1001 1111 0110 0111
dotted decimal 74 125 159 103

As you can see from the table each of the four groups of eight bits is translated into decimal form.

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